Make Teaching Sustainable

Six Shifts That Teachers Want and Students Need

In Make Teaching Sustainable, Paul explores six mindset shifts that you can implement to improve your educational environment—while also supporting and empowering the students you lead:

  • Humanity over industry

  • Collectivism over individualism

  • Empowerment over control

  • Minimalism over maximalism

  • Process over product

  • Flexibility over fixedness

The goal of sustainable teaching is not simply to have teachers do less work, but also to help focus efforts on effective, efficient, and meaningful practices that make learning richer for students.


Reclaiming Personalized Learning

First, let’s be clear: Reclaiming Personalized Learning is not yet-another ed tech book. Instead it’s a user’s guide to restoring equity and humanity to our classrooms and schools through personalization, describing how to:

  • Personalize in three dimensions by shaping whole-class instruction, leverage small-group interactions, and nurture a student’s inner-dialogue

  • Cultivate awareness within and among students, and build autonomy and authority

  • Design curriculum with a flexible frame and where exactly the standards fit

  • Humanize assessment and instruction, including the place of responsive teaching

  • Create a sense of belonging, humanize technology integration, and effect socially just teaching and learning—all central issues in equity

The truth is this: it’s people who personalize learning, and people not technology must be at the center of education. The time is now for all of us teachers to reclaim personalized learning, and this all-important book is our very best resource for getting started.

Humanizing Distance Learning

Humanizing Distance Learning is not an endorsement of distance learning, instead it serves as a provocation, a moment to ask ourselves, “In some ways, shouldn't we always be teaching from a distance?” in an effort to center equity and student independence.

Even while teaching and learning miles apart through screens, you’ll discover how to:

  • Build independence within your students so they’re better equipped to tackle challenges with persistence and learn how to learn

  • Make collaboration and human connection essential components of your pedagogy, offering students the chance to socialize and learn from one another

  • Center and unpack stu­dents’ identities, helping them develop a conscious knowledge of themselves, all the while using their self-identified strengths to overcome any obstacles

  • Plan, prepare, and implement humanized instruction while teaching for student liberation—both digitally and in person.

  • Investigate technol­ogy integration, including the Digital Divide, as well as ways to minimize EdTech integration so that our collective sense of humanity can continue to be front and center